That's right fellas! Today you too can learn how not to creep out the fairer sex! And speaking as a real man, that should be your goal. To engage our friends across the gender aisle.. or in between it.. or those that like to bounce back and forth over it.. whatever! To engage them all in a manner that's both respectful and friendly!
So what's this all about? You ask. Well that's easy. You're trying to get your character laid. And here on the Internet with all the anonymity it gives it's not like walking into a bar or up to a real woman on the street right? After all there's that 1 in 10 rule isn't there? Women don't need basic respect and decency on the internet right?
Like our friend Doctor Nye says. Don't be a retard. The gaming community the world over is full of punk ass, foul mouthed, shit talking, idiots with the mentality of a four year old. This is because, unlike in real life, on the Internet they can run their mouths without the worry of getting their asses knocked the fuck out by someone who's tired of their crap.
This goes doubly so for the ladies of the gaming community. Sure, sure we've all run into the drama magnet that is the Fake Gamer Gurl. The one that won't let us forget she's a hot chick that's totally a nerd and that she doesn't want undue attention because she has boobs... .all the while telling you about how her boobs are just popping out of her new bra. Seen below is an easy side by side comparison that should make it much easier for you all to tell the difference.
That brings us to our main topic fellas. The ladies that play the games along side us. I know what you're saying, 'But Kanth! They has boobs!' Yes, gentlemen, I know. Boobs are a powerful thing and in the wrong hands they can be used to create chaos and destruction. But here's the thing guys. Most of our fellow gaming gurus, even those with a set of boobs, aren't playing these games to get all that attention because of boobs. They're playing the games because... big reveal coming... they enjoy them! And that enjoyment can be quickly stamped out by behavior from men that is fairly typical of how cavemen used to act when 'Hey let's go clubbing' had a WHOLE other meaning.
The above is just a small example of the more mundane things our lady friends have to go through on a pretty much daily basis. Recently I put out an open call to the ladies to share some of their experiences with online gaming and the sort of behavior they run into. Gentleman. I wrote a self-help book called How NOT to Pick Up Chicks and even I wasn't prepared for the sort of neanderthal like behaviors I was made aware of. So without further adieu we'll look at some of the more disturbing behaviors the ladies have to put up with.
1: The Over Complimentor
Many of those that responded to my request spoke of the guy that would engage them in role play in some neutral place, such as a cantina or on the fleet somewhere and compliment their character's looks. While this isn't a bad thing in itself it's when those compliments go from a friendly, 'Oh hey I like that outfit' to instantly creepy with something like 'You're character is hot, does she like big dicks?' What. The. Fuck. DUDE! That's called crossing the line. Not only have you crossed that line you've jumped over it, turned around and took a giant steaming dump on it.
2: The Beautiful People
So fellas you're character is gorgeous. He's the perfect vision of all that is man. No woman could ever possibly resist him right? I refer you once again to Doctor Nye above. I've actually heard horror stories of this and men God-Moding a response out of someone else's character. God damnit! Men you can't post a role play response for someone else's character and think they're going to be okay with it. So no matter how hot and bothered and panty soaking you think your character may make someone you can't force that sort of thing on your fellow player. Chances are if this sort of thing is observed by other men role players you're going to be mocked into next year anyway.
3: The Minute Seduction Expert
Apparently some men assume that since a woman is gaming their character is a complete whore. So naturally they should have to make minimal effort to get their digital wang all up in some digital hooha. After hearing about this one it just screamed 'inexperienced' to me. So guys if you want to come off as some weirdo that's never seen a pair of breasts NOT on a computer monitor try putting a little effort into your character's attempt at getting to know that nice new lady he met. Also, as a side note. If this approach DOES work for you guys, it's probably another dude playing the female character who's going to be touching himself during your sexy time role play.
4: The Dick Bag
This one covers quite a bit of bad behaviors gentlemen so pay the fuck attention. Here's some generally shitty behaviors that will put you in the 'Dick Bag' category. As one of our responders put it so perfectly...
Yeah.. this is a stretch. Cause every woman I know in real life loves being called a 'slut' and put down when they agree to go home with you. Moron. This sort of behavior just screams that you've never actually interacted with a woman in real life on any other level than 'I'll take the garbage out when I'm damn good and ready mom, GOD!'
Another 'Dick Bag' behavior is the blackmailer. This one actually floored me because I couldn't believe that people would do this to a fellow gamer. As one of our responders put it:
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